Childcare Solutions for Working Moms in Contra Costa County, California

Are you a working mother in Contra Costa County, California looking for childcare solutions? CalWORKs child care, also known as Stage 1, is an excellent support service for adults who must take part in the CalWORKs Welfare to Work (WTW) program. Local government employees in the county and other areas have access to affordable preschool and infant day care at the Martinez Public Works facility. Kids at Work provides a secure, clean and inviting atmosphere, with a knowledgeable staff that brings out the best in children. Age-appropriate care is available, from early learning centers to kindergarten readiness. Kids At Work is a non-profit children and preschool center designed to benefit employees and their children who work for Contra Costa County and other public agencies.

We offer a cost-effective rate structure, including nutritious, kid-friendly meals and an experienced staff. Established in 1997, we continue to provide quality care and education to children. For more information, contact the Director at (92) 313-2380 or send an email to Kids at Work. For all other county departments and offices, check their web pages for information on English language development standards, financial allocations, accountability, school performance and disaster and emergency management. We also work closely through collaborative partnerships within Contra Costa County communities to inform and empower parents about their decisions regarding caring for their children.

Myrtle Seen
Myrtle Seen

Typical bacon geek. Hipster-friendly bacon evangelist. Professional bacon maven. Freelance beer geek. Unapologetic web aficionado. Typical reader.